We made it up to Logan for Isabella's birthday party. It was fun. She was tired, but she put on a good show when she ate her cake. She is so cute! She got lots of fun stuff and cousin Shayla was more then happy to help her unwrap her presents.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Isabella's Party
Assembled By:
Tony & Bergen
3:46 PM
People's Mouth Offs
New House in Springville
Well, as most of you know, we moved down to Springville. It is great and we like it a lot. Our house is bigger and we live in a fun area - shopping and eating galore! You will all have to come down and visit. We have 2 extra bedrooms for you to sleep and it would be so fun! Tony likes his job at Nestle and is currently on his first business trip to Boise. It is weird that he has to go on business trips. It seems like we are too young! Another bonus for me is that I live close to my Aunt Sue, whom I never used to see. We are together all the time and have fun. So, so far everything is great down here! Come see us! Here are a couple pictures of our new condo down here.
Assembled By:
Tony & Bergen
3:31 PM
People's Mouth Offs
We Are Big Kids Now!
Tony and I finally got rid of our old queen size mattress and upgraded to a king size bed with an actual headboard, footboard and matching bedding! It is great! I don't think we can ever go back to a queen. Of course mommy Mary helped me pick it all out.
Assembled By:
Tony & Bergen
3:26 PM
People's Mouth Offs