Friday, October 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Tony!!!

*** NOTE: I HATE THIS PROGRAM!!! I can't get it to do what I want, therefore my post is all screwed up. So take it for what it's worth. It looks ridiculous but I have been working on it for 2 hours and I am DONE!
Shalom bambinos! - Welcome back to the exciting life of Tony and Bergen! It has been a while...

Here it goes...

So it was Tony's birthday on the 1st of this
month. He officially turned 27! What an old man... ;o) To commemorate the occasion, we went to dinner with Chuck, Debbie (Juelch) and their kids, as well as my mom and Adrian. Aunt Sue couldn't make it because she had something previously planned. We missed her, but no worries; good times were still had by all. Tony got to designate where we would be eating, and he appointed Red Robin as the place to dine, just like we did last year. He gets a free burger coupon emailed to him for his birthday every year, so that may have done a little bit of coaxing. It is very feasible that this will become an annual thing for Tony's birthday - a big shindig at the Red Robin.

Here is the whole clan at the table...

Tony & I in front of the fountain where we always take our picture. Oh...presh

Tony's present was a big deal and I had to get him out of the house for a couple of hours to put it all together. Tony & Jose were already planning on going to the BYU football game, so it was perfect. They both had their respective college gear on and off they went to the game after dinner. While they were gone, my mom, me, & Shannon all worked together to get it done.

I are thinking to yourself…
"What is this wonderfully fantastic present that Bergen has put together so secretly for Tony???"
Well I will tell you my friends...

I thought long and hard about what I could do that would be a big surprise and he would love. I thought and thought and finally came up with it after hours of meditation and different holistic rituals.......It had come to me!!! I could put together the "Sports Room" that we have been planning on doing for forever! You see, over the years, we have compiled quite the collection of different sport memorabilia. We had masses of banners, figurines, signs, posters, etc. So the 3 of us (Me, my mom, and Shannon) planned it out and got everything framed, assembled, hung up on the wall and put up on shelves. We got done just in time. They got home and we were ready for action. I put the cake (I had made Tony's favorite cake - Rainbow Chip) and also some balloons in the room.

The door was shut...he walked in...and as you can tell he was pretty surprised (I think). (And no, Shannon is not overcome with emotion, she is just rubbing her eye...)

Now hold on, don't get your panties in a ruffle. I know you want to see what he is "oohing and awing" over...that comes is the fun part...

DRUM ROLL PLEASE.............................

And here are the walls!!!...

On this wall, there are some MacFarlanes on the shelf...Barry Zito, Dwyane Wade, Jordan & Jordan. Below in the frame are some Bulls Luol Deng collector stamps.

This is the "A's" wall...with a street sign and a banner. The autograph is from Bob Feller who really has nothing to do with the A's except for that I got the autograph at an A's game! So I guess this is an "A's / Indians" wall. ;o)

Here is a closeup of the Bob Feller autograph...

This is another shelf that is up a little bit higher on the wall. The MacFarlanes are Jordan, Jordan, Shaq & Dwyane Wade. The framed collectors stamps are of Shaq & Dwyane Wade also.

These are a few things on top of the dresser. There is a Shaq MacFarlane, a Dwyane Wade jersey card, an autographed baseball, and Dwyane Wade (in box) & Jordan figurines.

-->And the best wall of all...His MJ "Wings" poster! (Stick, I know where you live...) I got it out from the closet and had it framed!!! Finally! Then under it, there is a Chicago Bulls street sign as well as a framed & numbered picture of Michael Jordan winning the 1988 Slam Dunk contest.

Personally I think I can give myself a pat on the back for Tony's birthday present this year. I think that it turned out pretty dang good and he didn't have any idea, which was the best part!

Thank you all for sharing this exciting event with us. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to email Tony. Thanks.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July the 4th...

So I don't remember much about the 4th but here are some pictures to prove it happened. I do know that we went up to Logan (surprise surprise)...and we did have fun. We missed Jonny & Erin and the kids, but I'm sure they had fun in Pittsburgh. Since Jonny & Erin are gone, the only grandkids left are Isa & Eva, so they are all I get to take pictures of now. But seriously, these "faces" that Isa pulls are really something...

Isa was so darn cute - especially when Chris can get her to do "faces". I can't get enough of her! Eva is so cute as are a few pics of her...adorable!

Ok yes this post was supposed to be about the 4th of July, but I just had to cover that first. ;o) Now...about the 4th. We did lots of things...the usual parades, cookouts, fireworks, and yada yada yada. Here are some self explanatory pictures! Enjoy!

City Firework Time...

Cache Valley Cruise-In Baby...

And of course...Good Times with the Savage Clan...

Hope that you all had a wonderful 4th. Maybe you will get lucky and I will post again soon - but don't hold your breath. ;o) Later gaters.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Phoenix Baby!!!

So we decided that after I got my PICC out...we were going to take off. We have been wanting to go down to Phoenix to Spring Training forever, so we finally did it. It was SO much fun! Plus it was warm - so that was a bonus. We drove...which we will never do again...and it took about 10 hours to get there from our house. We stayed at a hotel and just went to baseball games every day! Awesome. We were there supporting the "A's" of course...Tony has liked them forever. But we saw them play the Angel's, Dodgers, Orioles, and I can't think who else. But it was awesome. I definitely want to go again. I got some old Hall of Famer dude's autograph. I can't remember his name, but I paid $10.00 and stood in line to get it. I think we lost the autograph, I hope it wasn't worth too much money. I was also excited that I was so close to Jason Giambi! He was like right there. Crazy. Tony laughs at the picture of Billy Beane. He claims he is giving me "the look" because I am taking his picture. I don't think he even knew I was there. We had a wonderful time and if anyone wants to come next year then giddy-up! We're going! K...I am off to watch UNC beat Michigan. Later.